OTC Hunts
In Arizona, the best hunting opportunity is the OTC hunts.
At LCO, we offer guided hunts for Mule Deer, Coues Deer, Limited Opportunity-Elk, Bear and Mountain Lions!
Arizona’s OTC archery deer season kicks off in January when the bucks are in the rut.
It opens back up in the middle of August, making way for those beautiful velvet bucks!
It reopens and finalizes the last half of December and it’s back to chasing ruttin’ bucks!!
Arizona has a depredation Elk tag, OTC.
This limits the areas in which we can hunt, but opportunity is still good depending on the year/season!
You can shoot a Bull Elk or Cow Elk, within the region.
This is great freezer filler hunt and still really fun!
If you wish to participate in this hunt, please contact us and we will schedule it for when the best opportunity to fill your tag is available.
Hunting bears in Arizona is an extraordinary hunt!
We spot and stalk bears and we call them in!
It is an exciting hunt to be on!
Mountain Lions:
Mountain lions are typically a secondary animal to our hunts! We highly suggest that our hunters purchase a lion tag to go along side their other tags! It is definitely an opportunity you do not want to pass up!
The thrill of lion hunting is without measure!
We have had much success in calling in lions.
We at LCO, spend a great deal of time in lion country and will scout lions just like any Big Game animal.
As we stated, lions are a challenge, but we are up for it.
We offer this as a standard predator hunt as well.